Mr. Rani, aged around 21 years, is working as a domestic maidservant in T.Nagar and Valasaravakkam area, Chennai. Her father passed away and she is left with her mother, who is running an idly shop in a Village near Villupuram and her sister studying in 9th standard in a Government School in Villupuram.
WOE take care of her family with dresses and all basic requirements essential for running her mother’s idly shop. WOE also took care of the educational needs of her sister. She together with her family thanked WOE for all the essentials things donated to her family.
Mrs. Kasthuri, aged around 47 years old, whose husband is no more, is a domestic maidservant engaged in Anna Nagar area, Chennai. She is left with her only son, who works as a Sculptor and is married. Her son lives with his family in a small village near Thanjavur. She also has a grandson, who is 2 years old.
WOE provided her family with dresses and all basic requirements essential for her son’s family. WOE also took care of a portion of her daughter-in-law’s second delivery. She together with her family members thanked WOE wholeheartedly for all the essentials things donated to her and her son’s family.
Mrs. Govindammal, aged around 57 years old, is a domestic maidservant engaged in Valasravakkam area, Chennai. Her son is employed on a daily wages job and her daughter-in-law is a homemaker. She, together with her family was taken care of then-and-then for their dresses, food and school bags and books for her grand children.
Mr. Nagarajan, aged around 53 years old, is a Tricycle puller, has been struggling to make a living in between the huddles of his life. His wife, who is a homemaker fall ill quit often. He is blessed with 2 school going children. He struggles a lot to meet the children school fees and his wife’s medical expenses. WOE takes care of him then and then by providing him with Cloths and a portion of his children educational expenses.
Ms. Punitha, aged around 20 years old, is working as a domestic maidservant in Valasaravakkam, Chennai. She is left with her sick mother, who lives in a small village near Chengleput. Her father is no more. She was provided with dress for her and her mother. Monitory help was also offered to take care of her sick mother.
Ms. Radhika, aged around 21 years old, is a domestic maidservant engaged in Valasravakkam area, Chennai. Her family members have been living in a small village near Trichirappalli. Her father is a Coolie worker and her mother sells firewood (cut from the forest).
WOE donated dresses to all the family members and also other basic requirements were fulfilled.