Mr. Vetrivel, the only earning member of the family, is residing in a small village near Kandanchavadi, Villupuram. He is an Farmer and his wife is a homemaker. Due to his poor income he was unable to take care of his children studies and meet the necessities of the family.
He was called to the WOE headoffice and was donated with Books and toys for his children, Dresses for his entire family members and certain stainless steel utensils. He thanked WOE for the support it has been rendering from time to time. His wife too called WOE and conveyed her sincere thanks to the trustees.
Ms. Arulmani, aged around 25 years, is a domestic maidservant engaged in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar on Vayalur Road, Trichirappalli. When her marriage was fixed, WOE donated her with the basic requirement for a living, viz., Stainless Steel Utensils, Dresses, etc. She came with her brother and took everthing and never failed to thank us.
Mr. Murugan, the sole breadwinner of the family, who is residing in a small village near Manapattu, Villupuram was working as an assistant to a mason, carrying bricks and sands at the construction area. He had a fall from the first floor in the construction site and injured his spinal badly that the doctors were unable to treat him completely. Subsequently, he became bedridden and a burden to his family. WOE contributed in helping the family to certain extent.
Mr. Sahayaraj of Neyveli, Cuddalore District, who is doing missionary services among the blind people,
has approached WOE to help him financially to meet the damages caused by the Thane cyclone, which hit the district during the end of December 2011.
The damages caused in the locality of Mr. Sahayaraj house were, giant trees uprooted, compound walls, gates totally damaged, roof sheet of house broken, no electricity, no communications, no good water for drinking & cooking, etc, etc.
WOE contributed a small amount to meet the expenses in clearing the uprooted trees and fixing the broken roof sheet. Mr. Sahayaraj was happy and appreciated WOE for the timely help and said this gesture of financial help shows your brotherly love towards the people in crisis.
Mrs. Kamatchi is an Aids Victim. Her husband Mr. Dhanapal, a Lorry Driver (also an Aids Victim) is no more. She is survived with 2 children a daughter, Girija aged around 13 years and a son, Manikandan aged 10 years. Both the children are unaffected by the dreadful disease.
With the help of Mr. James, a well wisher of WOE the two children were admitted in Orphanages. Mrs.Kamatchi had to undergo Blood Transfusion quite often to survive in this world.
Mrs. Kamatchi, lives in a small village in Musuri near Trichirappalli. She was having a tough time living in a small shed like home, where the roof of the shed was of no use during the rainy seasons.
Mr. Selvagunalan, one of our Trustee inspected the house of Mrs. Kamatchi and on the report submitted by him, WOE constructed a small Dwelling Unit for her family.
Further, she was also provided with a small shop with chocolates and other items, to earn her day-to-day living. She together with her children thanked WOE wholeheartedly, for all the things provided to her.