Vembedu village is a most downtrodden village in Thiruvallur District. Nearly 350 houses exist in this village. The main activities of the villagers are agriculture and to some extent, they do works on daily wages. The village is totally deprived off the basic infrastructure facilities like roads, transport, medical care, etc. They are all living in that village by facing so many obstacles in their life.
Furthermore, most of the head of the families are addicted to alcohol and due to this they do not have the basic necessities like food, clothes etc. WOE appointed Mr.M.P.Nandakumar, a well wisher of the trust, together with his family, to study the requirement of the village. Based on the report submitted by him, WOE with the help of his family, distributed silver plates, clothes, mats and bed sheets to the destitute, old aged and children in the village.