Mr. Ranganathan aged around 60 years is working as a Toilet Cleaner in Hotel Aryaas, Janakipuram, Villupuram. He approached WOE to help him to construct a small house for his family.
WOE agreed and helped him with a small amount to purchase bricks and sand for construction of his house.
Mrs. Kamatchi is an Aids Victim. Her husband Mr. Dhanapal, a Lorry Driver (also an Aids Victim) passed away few years ago. She is survived with 2 children – a daughter, Girija aged around 13 years and a son, Manikandan aged 10 years. Both the children are unaffected by the dreadful disease and are living in Orphanages. Mrs.Kamatchi had to undergo Blood Transfusion quite often to survive in this world.
They live in a village in Musuri near Trichirappalli. This family was having a tough time living in their small shed like home. WOE constructed a small Dwelling Unit for this family.