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Accomplishments >> Medical Camp

Medical Camp at Odisha

A 3 days Medical Camp at Odisha was sponsored by Medivision, Tamilnadu (http://www.medivisionindia.org/) and was organized by ROCK Ministry (Reach out Children for the Kingdom), Sambalpur, in joining hands with WOE.

A Team of 18 members, consisting of 2 General Doctors, 1 Dental Doctor, 1 Eye Specialist, 1 Ortho Doctor, 2 Lab Technicians, 3 Male Nurse, Pharmacist and 2 Medivision staff, organized the Medical Camp at 7 places in Odisha. The places / villages covered were, Munda pipal Pada, Ampada, Bayamuda, Thouda Bagal, Chamar Pada, Pita Palli and Woman’s Prison. A total of 779 people were benefited by the Camp.
We sincerely thank Medivision, Tamilnadu and the ROCK Ministry, Sambalpur in Organizing and completing the project most effectively and efficiently.

Medical Camp at Dharmapuri

A 2 days Medical Camp was organized at Dharmapuri with the help of Christian Community Church, Valasaravakkam Branch, Chennai. The camp was financially supported by WOE.

Dr. Prasanna Kumar Thomas, a well wisher of the Church led the medical work with his team from Coimbatore. More than 300 people were benefited by the medical camp that was conducted on 2 days (Saturday & Sunday).
WOE sincerely thanked Pastor Marcus of Christian Community Church, Valasaravakkam Branch, Chennai and Dr. P. K. Thomas, Chennai and his team from Coimbatore and all those who wholeheartedly joined the camp in giving a helping hand in their own way.